Monday, 27 April 2020
day 31
Last day of lockdown. For now anyway. Fingers crossed.
Today is New Zealand's last day in full lockdown, which we call her Level 4. The government created 4 levels of lockdown which we will work through until things are 'back to normal' although they never really will be. It's a great system, takes the guesswork of things and is the product of excellent leadership.
Tomorrow we begin Level 3, which is basically Level 4 with benefits. You can shop online, there will be a full delivery service again. You can get takeaways from outlets that have contactless systems. Schools will open for essential workers and those who have to go back to work although we are still encouraged to work from home if we can. At our school of 480 students, we have 20 max coming back. So back to some version of work for me.
Daily posting has been a mission. There is so much I could have said about what I observed in NZ and around the world. This is not a political blog but I do feel the need to have a 'wee rant' to end off my daily posts.
Begin as you mean to end - as I said at the start I am so happy to live in NZ, in a social democracy that cares about people before capitalism. Watching the debacle that is happening in the United States oscillates between watching a comedy show to a fantasy show to a horror movie. The latter is the most appropriate as people continue to die. I' ve been to the US and I've been to China. In China, you can get locked up for disagreeing with the government. In the US you can carry a gun and shoot anyone whom you feel threatens you. In today's 'Covid19' world, I would rather live in China. China's 'market communism' is extremely flawed however from what I saw, there is much more concern for the population as a whole. In 30 years they have worked to house all citizens in 21st Century conditions. What I saw in China was impressive. In my humble opinion, American capitalism is as flawed, dangerous and corrupt as China's communism. The person who leads the US currently - it's a bit like the mosque gunman in NZ - I don't want even utter his name - is a deranged, delusional, narcissistic piece of shite but... America has the president they deserve. The Democratic Party is complicit for electing a 'limp biscuit' like Joe Biden to lead them. Wake up America and look at some of the other world leaders who are navigating this pandemic - Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, not to mention Jacinda Ardern. Even some other narcissistic 'old white men' are doing better - Boris and Morrison. They at least have enough inherent intelligence to listen to the scientists.
I could go on, and on, and on. If nothing else this pandemic has helped me understand the American psyche. I think America will implode. It certainly is no longer the so-called 'leader of the free world.' The rest of the world watches in horror. Maybe, hopefully, we will look back in 50 years and see this situation as the tipping point that will bring change to the US and their capitalist model. That's me being optimistic, I won't be around in 50 years to know. But I hope the global community learns some lessons from this pandemic and makes some adjustments for the benefit of the planet. Kia kaha everyone, stay strong.
Sunday, 26 April 2020
Saturday, 25 April 2020
day 29
ANZAC Day. Lest we forget. Great Uncles killed in WW1.
Walter Rex Beresford, died at Gallipoli 8 August 1915
Friday, 24 April 2020
Thursday, 23 April 2020
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Monday, 20 April 2020
day 25
Level 3 begins next Tuesday for two weeks then reassessed. TOD on Tuesday then schools to open for those who need it. Government information very clear and specific, all questions answered. Lots to organise.
Photos from the garden...
Photos from the garden...
Sunday, 19 April 2020
day 24
Tomorrow is the 'big day'. The government will decide if we are going to move out of Level 4 back to Level 3. Level 3 is still about 'stay at home' but business who can work on-line or in some contactless form can operate. And...schools will open for essential workers and workers who can't work from home. That has ruffled some feathers because it means two types of schooling, coal face and on-line.
Lots to think about.
So some street art photos today. It is great to see so much art gradually appearing around the city.
Lots to think about.
So some street art photos today. It is great to see so much art gradually appearing around the city.
Saturday, 18 April 2020
day 23
Empty city. Got a bit stir crazy today so went for a drive - in our neighbourhool of course! Found a fruit and veggie shop that was open! We walked down by the river in the centre of town which is usually bustling - but not under lockdown.
Friday, 17 April 2020
day 22
Macro. Gazanias. Another of quite a long list of flowers I once used to not like. Tastes change. I have a new respect for them. They grow in hot dry places.
Thursday, 16 April 2020
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
Tuesday, 14 April 2020
day 19
Light at the end of the tunnel. Talk is moving to how we come out of lockdown from Level 4 to Level 3 and what this will look like. The 'naysayers' heads are rising, those who say we went to hard too long. In NZ as of today, we have 1366 cases of Covid 19 and 9 deaths. That's a good place to be. Our numbers of new infections should soon be so low that contact tracing and closed borders will allow a 'version of returning to normal life.' Undoubtedly the economy will take a massive hit, which is to be expected and is the next challenge.
Term 2 starts for schools tomorrow with our first foray into online learning. Teachers have done much thinking and preparation. It will be the strangest start to a new term in my teaching career - in fact, it will be history-making.
Term 2 starts for schools tomorrow with our first foray into online learning. Teachers have done much thinking and preparation. It will be the strangest start to a new term in my teaching career - in fact, it will be history-making.

Monday, 13 April 2020
day 18
Enjoying my macro lens. Still much to learn however about how to get the best results out of it. This lockdown is certainly an eye-opener regarding how little time I spend doing anything other than work. Maybe a heads up for things to come?
Sunday, 12 April 2020
day 17
Easter Sunday. A very different vibe this year. Easter is a bit of a gamble in NZ being in either late March or April. It can be either really warm and offer us the 'last of the golden weather' or it can be a foretaste of things to come...chilly and wet. Of course, Murphy being in the house, this year it's the golden version. Great weather for a last trip to the beach. Yeah nah!
The Grandies rang all excited about their Easter egg haul - glad I'm not cooped up inside with them all day.
The Grandies rang all excited about their Easter egg haul - glad I'm not cooped up inside with them all day.
Saturday, 11 April 2020
Friday, 10 April 2020
day 15
Hot cross buns! I love hot cross buns. No bakeries open this Easter so it's 'do it yourself' or miss out.
Fortunately, I purchased a supposedly new breadmaker at the school garage sale for a song several years back but have been a very intermittent bread maker since. Out of the blue, I made a loaf of fruit bread several weeks prior to lockdown and it was rather doughy, sending me off in search of a remedy resulting in the purchase of some bread improver and gluten flour. My next attempt included a couple of tablespoons of both of these ingredients and voila! - perfect fruit bread!
So, come Easter Friday I made a batch of hot cross buns using the Chelsea Sugar breadmaker recipe but added the milk powder, gluten flour and bread improver in my breadmaker version of the recipe.
The results were almost perfect - although I cooked then for less time than the recipe said, they were a bit overdone on top. Note to self - lower the oven temperature, place lower in the oven, don't brush with anything before cooking and cover with a tea towel as soon as removing from the oven to stop them going crusty. But the bread texture was absolutely perfect! They were the bomb!
Fortunately, I purchased a supposedly new breadmaker at the school garage sale for a song several years back but have been a very intermittent bread maker since. Out of the blue, I made a loaf of fruit bread several weeks prior to lockdown and it was rather doughy, sending me off in search of a remedy resulting in the purchase of some bread improver and gluten flour. My next attempt included a couple of tablespoons of both of these ingredients and voila! - perfect fruit bread!
So, come Easter Friday I made a batch of hot cross buns using the Chelsea Sugar breadmaker recipe but added the milk powder, gluten flour and bread improver in my breadmaker version of the recipe.
The results were almost perfect - although I cooked then for less time than the recipe said, they were a bit overdone on top. Note to self - lower the oven temperature, place lower in the oven, don't brush with anything before cooking and cover with a tea towel as soon as removing from the oven to stop them going crusty. But the bread texture was absolutely perfect! They were the bomb!
However, I would love to try the tangzhong method of bread making. I've read about this over the years and am keen to give it a go. So I did some googling and found a variety of versions so this is on my to-do list, either again while in lockdown or at least next Easter.
Thursday, 9 April 2020
day 14
The new reality - grocery shopping. I thought I'd go early but it didn't help. The queue was at least 400m long. But well-spaced and behaved! So different from the usual quick nip to the supermarket.
However, I am now the proud owner of two bags of high-grade flour ensuring hot cross buns for Easter!
However, I am now the proud owner of two bags of high-grade flour ensuring hot cross buns for Easter!
Wednesday, 8 April 2020
day 13
Feijoas are big at my place at the moment. Feijoa jam, feijoa chutney, feijoa crumble, feijoas with yogurt. They are so much part of the autumn feel in NZ. Apparently native to South America but related to the Pohutukawa tree, they are a fruit mostly loved but Kiwis.
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